Watch for the next set of Videos (Candace Conti Tells Her Story) on YouTube. Rick Simons will explain many of the details and why the court ruled so heavily in Candace's favor.
i was just looking over some of the documents from the candice conti case and just need something clarified.. in the letter dated august 31, 1998 from the freemont elders to the branch, they answered the question "how is he viewed in the community/authorities" with "legal authorities contacted, police report made, no action taken by courts, community unaware".
it appears from this letter that the brothers did in fact contact the authorities and they chose to take no action.. this leaves me a little confused as to what exactly the society is at fault for here.
is the issue that they didn't notify members of the congregation, which allowed jonathan kendrick to molest his victim?
Watch for the next set of Videos (Candace Conti Tells Her Story) on YouTube. Rick Simons will explain many of the details and why the court ruled so heavily in Candace's favor.
Thanks, Cedars. Not sure why my version wouldn't lock in.
Nope. I can't see it either. You want to try from your end?
Actually, Mrs. Hampton is very familiar with the case. But not everyone in the room was that knowledgeable. So Cynthia was trying to draw out from Candace some of the details that might not have been as well known. Plus, videos were being made of the session and thousands of viewers will have little or no knowledge of the case.
Cynthia was just acting as a TV reporter, asking many questions that she already had answers for, but those watching the videos would be unable to ask.
Thanks Blindnomore for you helpful comments and support.
More are on there way...
Part 4 is now on YouTube:
Rick Simons is up next. Prepare to be blown away!
I'll upload 3 and 4 to Vimeo later today or tomorrow, but they are having system problems at their end. I wasted over an hour trying to get #3 up before I found out that their servers were malfunctioning.
Show your support for Candace and her legal team by getting the message out. Please feel free to pass the word on Twitter and Facebook. We look forward to your comments on these videos.
Those of you with websites - feel free to embed any or all of these videos.
i just thought you should know that mrs cedars has finally taken the plunge and joined the forum.
she was able to log on for the first time yesterday.. though we both "awakened" at different stages, mrs cedars was very supportive and non-judgmental when i first began exploring my beliefs from a critical standpoint.
she is currently in the process of reading crisis of conscience and aquainting herself with some of the facts of witness history that were hitherto unknown.
Glad to meet you at last, Mrs. Cedars. Your hubby and I meet frequentlyat the local pub to share a pint or two. I live just over the next hillside in Oregon. I try to keep Mr. Cedars out of trouble, but since you know him even better than I, you know how difficult that can be.
By the way, Mrs. Cedars, have you taken the 2012 JW Survey yet? And if you did, did you give all of the right answers? Inquiring minds want to know...
Also on Vimeo, for those who prefer that format: - Part 1 - Part 2
Thanks for the kind words, Cedars...
Cedars may be sleeping right now, so I'll go ahead and post part 2 of the new Candace Conti video series.
To answer a few of your questions in advance:
This meeting was attended by about three dozen invited guests, most members of the Ex-JWs of San Jose. Cynthia Hampton is a founder and one of the organzers of both the San Jose and Downey, California meetup groups. The location and time were not publicized to insure the safety of Miss Conti and her mother, Kathleen. We also wanted to protect the owners of the meeting hall from any protests or damage to their facilities.
We had two cameras and a audio recorder going during the sessions. When I get the full set of videos up from the left-side camera, then I will do a mix with video and audio from the other camera. All videos will be published in a gallery on I know that Randy Watters is publishing them on and I'm sure Cedars will also on
I can assure you that the first two are just a warm up. Rick Simons, the plaintiffs attorney in this case, gives a great half-hour overview. He and Candace also answer questions at the end.
Altogether there should be about a dozen 5-6 minute segments. All will be on both YouTube and Vimeo.
i am scheduled to do it next month.. if you have completed the training:.
- what did you get out of it?.
- knowing what you know now (post completion) what would you tell others or have done differently to prepare?.
Don't be fooled. Landmark Forum is the natural successor to EST.
My wife's son, daughter-in-law, and niece all went to Landmark a couple of years ago. Just like EST, in order to graduate to the next level you have to proselytize your friends and relatives and invite them to your graduation ceremony. During the graduation, visitors are led off to other rooms where they are shamed into joining themselves.
"Look at the change that has taken place in [person]. Don't you want to support those positive changes? The best way to give support to your [relationship] is to take the course yourself. If you sign up tonight, you will get an immediate [dollar amount] discount."
Then you have to admit your weaknesses [or make some up] in front of the group of strangers. One question that I found particularly troublesome was posed by our group leader: "Think clearly and be absolutely honest. What do you do most often that your [relationship] would find offensive. Smoking? Masturbation? Sneaking snacks? Cheating? Pornography?" You're often doing this in front of your spouse or other family members. Not my idea of fun at all since I admit to many vices (like spending too much time on the computer).
In many ways, Landmark uses most of the techniques of EST, but just not so abusively. They also have similar mind control techniques used by Scientology. Werner Erhard (not! - his real name is John Rosenberg) was known to be a fake and a con-man who lied about his education and . And yet his corporation still has its hands in the Landmark mix for consulting.
My stepson was totally messed up for months after attending Landmark. When his mother and I refused to buy into Landmark's bullshit, he thought we were rejecting him. His controller/sponsor (or whatever they are called now) basically told him that his mother wouldn't support him and didn't love him enough to join in. And me, I immediately became the evil step-father married to his mother having ulterior motives.
It took us nearly two years to get the family relationships back into a more normal mode. I recognized what was going on immediately because I had been through the first couple of stages of EST some 20 years before at the urging of my boss. I didn't want to go, but he was supporting me for promotion and I didn't want to piss him off. He later was fired for pressuring some management trainee too hard to join EST.
I'm telling you the same thing I would tell a potential JW convert: Get the hell out while you can. Even if you survive, the hidden damage could last for months or even years. It's just another money-making cult. Kind of a cross between Tony Robbins (another shyster) and Amway/Mona Vie and the Moonies - except "god" is more of a presence than a personality.
i've published part one of a three part series about the menlo park kh scandal.
this has been a tough one for me.. the original federal case was dismissed in january.
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Sites like mine and Cedar's get hit dozens of times a day by spammers and attackers. If I didn't have those programs up to protect my sites they all would come down in a matter of hours.
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